Prof. Ryuji Kohno
IEEE Life Fellow & IEICE Fellow
Yokohama National University, Japan

Ryuji Kohno received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo in 1984. He was a Professor and the Director of Centre on Medical Information and Communication Technology, in Yokohama National University in Japan for 1998-2021 and then Professor Emeritus. In his currier he played a part-time role of a director of Advanced Telecommunications Laboratory of SONY CSL during 1998-2002, directors of UWB Technology and medical ICT institutes of NICT during 2002-2012. For 2012-2020 he was CEO of University of Oulu Research Institute Japan – CWC-Nippon Co. and since 2020 Vice-President of YRP International Alliance Institute. The meanwhile for 2007-2020 a distinguished professor in University of Oulu in Finland and since 2006 a member of the Science Council of Japan. In IEEE he was a member of the Board of Governors of Information Theory Society in 2000-2009, and editors of Transactions on Communications, Information Theory, ITS, IEEE802.15 standardization TG6ma Chair and IEEE Life Fellow. In IEICE he was Vice-president of Engineering Sciences Society of IEICE during 2004-2005, Editor-in chief of the IEICE Trans. Fundamentals during 2003-2005 and IEICE Fellow. He is a founder and a chair of steering committee of international symposia of medical information and communication technologies (ISMICT) since 2006.


Prof. Pengcheng Hu
Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Pengcheng Hu (Senior Member, IEEE) is a permanent professor, doctoral supervisor of Harbin Institute of Technology, vice president of Precision Instrument Engineering Research Institute and deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Ultra-Precision Instrument Technology and Intelligent Chemical Industry and Information Technology. His research field is around ultra-precision laser measurement and optoelectronic instruments, engaging in basic research, key technological breakthroughs, and instrument development and testing. He undertakes major national science and technology projects, technology basic projects, major national engineering projects, National Natural Science Foundation international cooperative research projects, National Natural Science Foundation major research plan projects, National Natural Science Foundation general projects, etc. He has published 60 SCI indexed papers, published and edited 1 book, and applied for/authorized 152 domestic and foreign invention patents.